7 of the Worst Trees to Plant in Your Yard

Bradford Pear

he flowers have a sickeningly sweet aroma (and that's being kind), the tree is exceedingly invasive, and the tree's limb structure is weak and prone to storm damage.

Norway Spruce

North America for many years due to its large, yet manageable, size, dark green color, and drooping side branches that sway back and forth in the wind.

Norway Maple

Gardens for many years owing to their large leaves and beautiful fall colors. They come in the typical green leaf forms and variegated and purple varieties.

Green Ash

Black, white, and green ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) are known for their quick growth, clean, rounded shape, and buttery yellow to vibrant red and orange fall colors.

Weeping Willow

Weeping willows (Salix babylonica) are beautiful trees when planted in an open landscape next to a pond or small lake.

Paper Birch

Often planted in groups of three or four, their appeal is obvious, and they grow throughout the United States (Hardiness Zones 2-7), far outside of their natural range in the far north.

Fruitless Mulberry

Originally introduced into the United States as food for a silkworm industry that never took off, the fruitless white mulberry (Morus alba) quickly became popular as a shade tree for home landscapes.

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